First Post!?

The first post to my first Blog. Somehow I thought this would feel better…

Well. I have finally set-up my Blog. After three hours mucking around with Perl, PHP, MySQL and Apache I have convinced Jaguar (MacOSX 10.2) to run this for me. I have probably opened twenty or so security holes in the process, since I practically hammered all the programs into working as expected (or the closest to it one could expect) and now I am here, at 3:06 am staring at my brand-new Blog and deciding it’s just too late to even think of changing the templates for the interface.

So, here it is and it’ll stay this way for a while. At least until I get some sleep.


  1. Claro, ayudan los archives y los «relacionados» :)

    Estos ultimos, por cierto, van a su bola. No se que usan para relacionar pero esta claro que usan algun tipo de heuristica metafisica basada en el signo del zodiaco de algun dictador del siglo XIX o algo asi, porque si no no me explico de que van. «Relacionados» a este ahora mismo me salen uno de cumpleaños, uno de GPS y uno de risas grabadas. No tiene sentido.

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